Figure 5
Figure 5. Cyproheptadine activates the mitochondrial pathway of caspase activation. (A) OCI-MY5 myeloma cells (2 × 104) were treated with increasing concentrations of cyproheptadine (CYP) with and without the pan-caspase inhibitor z-VAD-fmk (100 μM). Forty-eight hours after incubation, cell viability was measured by MTS assay. Data represent the mean percentage plus or minus SD of viable cells compared with control treated controls. (B) OCI-MY5 and OPM1 myeloma cells and OCI-AML2 and CEM leukemia cells were treated with increasing concentrations of cyproheptadine. Twenty-four hours after treatment, total cellular protein was isolated and analyzed by SDS-PAGE/immunoblotting using anti–caspase-3 (Pro-C3), anti–caspase-8 (Pro-C8), anti–caspase-9 (Pro-C9), and anti–β-actin. Cle-C8 indicates cleaved caspase-8. (C) U266 and NB4 cells (2 × 106) were treated with cyproheptadine (CYP, 20 μM) for increasing times. After incubation, cells were harvested and stained with DiIC1(5) and PI to measure mitochondrial membrane potential (ΔΨM) and plasma membrane integrity, respectively. Results were analyzed by flow cytometry. (D) MDAY-D2 and LP-1 cells (2 × 106 cells) were treated with increasing concentrations of cyproheptadine. Forty-eight hours after incubation, cells were harvested and stained with DiIC1(5) and PI to measure mitochondrial membrane potential (ΔΨM). Results were analyzed by flow cytometry.

Cyproheptadine activates the mitochondrial pathway of caspase activation. (A) OCI-MY5 myeloma cells (2 × 104) were treated with increasing concentrations of cyproheptadine (CYP) with and without the pan-caspase inhibitor z-VAD-fmk (100 μM). Forty-eight hours after incubation, cell viability was measured by MTS assay. Data represent the mean percentage plus or minus SD of viable cells compared with control treated controls. (B) OCI-MY5 and OPM1 myeloma cells and OCI-AML2 and CEM leukemia cells were treated with increasing concentrations of cyproheptadine. Twenty-four hours after treatment, total cellular protein was isolated and analyzed by SDS-PAGE/immunoblotting using anti–caspase-3 (Pro-C3), anti–caspase-8 (Pro-C8), anti–caspase-9 (Pro-C9), and anti–β-actin. Cle-C8 indicates cleaved caspase-8. (C) U266 and NB4 cells (2 × 106) were treated with cyproheptadine (CYP, 20 μM) for increasing times. After incubation, cells were harvested and stained with DiIC1(5) and PI to measure mitochondrial membrane potential (ΔΨM) and plasma membrane integrity, respectively. Results were analyzed by flow cytometry. (D) MDAY-D2 and LP-1 cells (2 × 106 cells) were treated with increasing concentrations of cyproheptadine. Forty-eight hours after incubation, cells were harvested and stained with DiIC1(5) and PI to measure mitochondrial membrane potential (ΔΨM). Results were analyzed by flow cytometry.

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