Figure 4
Figure 4. Strontium does not affect HSC. (A) The frequency of Lin− Sca1+ c-kit+ Flk2− cells in the BM of untreated and Sr-treated mice was determined by FACS analysis. Values are mean (± SD; n = 4 and 8 per group for 6 and 8 weeks of treatment, respectively). (B) The cell- cycle profile of purified Lin− Sca1+ c-kit+ obtained from the BM of mice treated with Sr for 8 weeks and untreated mice was defined by staining with propidium iodide and FITC and FACS analysis (representative analysis from 4 different experiments).

Strontium does not affect HSC. (A) The frequency of Lin Sca1+ c-kit+ Flk2 cells in the BM of untreated and Sr-treated mice was determined by FACS analysis. Values are mean (± SD; n = 4 and 8 per group for 6 and 8 weeks of treatment, respectively). (B) The cell- cycle profile of purified Lin Sca1+ c-kit+ obtained from the BM of mice treated with Sr for 8 weeks and untreated mice was defined by staining with propidium iodide and FITC and FACS analysis (representative analysis from 4 different experiments).

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