Figure 3
Figure 3. Relative mRNA expression in MF tumor samples as measured by qPCR. Data (mean ± SEM) of 3 independent qPCR experiments are depicted relative to the reference genes RPS11 and U1A. indicate qPCR results using cDNA synthesized from RNA isolated from samples with no CNAs; , qPCR results from samples with copy number gains; and □, qPCR results from samples with copy number loss. *Statistically significant differential expression (P < .05).

Relative mRNA expression in MF tumor samples as measured by qPCR. Data (mean ± SEM) of 3 independent qPCR experiments are depicted relative to the reference genes RPS11 and U1A. indicate qPCR results using cDNA synthesized from RNA isolated from samples with no CNAs; , qPCR results from samples with copy number gains; and □, qPCR results from samples with copy number loss. *Statistically significant differential expression (P < .05).

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