Figure 6
Figure 6. Plasma VWF multimer in transplanted mice. Plasma (2.5 μL) from wild-type (lane 1), Adamts13−/− mice expressing GFP (lanes 2-7 or O1-O3 and R1-R3) and full-length murine ADAMTS13 (lanes 8-16 or N1-N3, P1-P4, and Q1-Q2) at 2 months of age were fractionated by 1% mini-agarose gel electrophoresis. The VWF was determined by Western blot with anti-VWF IgG, followed by IRDye800-conjugated anti–rabbit IgG as described in “Assay for murine plasma VWF multimers.” The fluorescent signal was determined by an Odyssey infrared imaging system. Double stars indicate the area of UL-VWF multimers. All mice expressing murine ADAMTS13 exhibited reduced UL-VWF multimers.

Plasma VWF multimer in transplanted mice. Plasma (2.5 μL) from wild-type (lane 1), Adamts13−/− mice expressing GFP (lanes 2-7 or O1-O3 and R1-R3) and full-length murine ADAMTS13 (lanes 8-16 or N1-N3, P1-P4, and Q1-Q2) at 2 months of age were fractionated by 1% mini-agarose gel electrophoresis. The VWF was determined by Western blot with anti-VWF IgG, followed by IRDye800-conjugated anti–rabbit IgG as described in “Assay for murine plasma VWF multimers.” The fluorescent signal was determined by an Odyssey infrared imaging system. Double stars indicate the area of UL-VWF multimers. All mice expressing murine ADAMTS13 exhibited reduced UL-VWF multimers.

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