Figure 7
Figure 7. LAB−/− resting NK cells are hyperresponsive to NK1.1 stimulation, whereas LAB/LAT−/− NK cells are hyporesponsive. (A) Freshly purified DX5+ cells were isolated from spleens of the indicated strains. The cells were stimulated with rat IgG, anti-NK1.1, or PMA and ionomycin and assayed for intracellular IFNγ as in Figure 6. The data presented are representative of 3 independent experiments.

LAB−/− resting NK cells are hyperresponsive to NK1.1 stimulation, whereas LAB/LAT−/− NK cells are hyporesponsive. (A) Freshly purified DX5+ cells were isolated from spleens of the indicated strains. The cells were stimulated with rat IgG, anti-NK1.1, or PMA and ionomycin and assayed for intracellular IFNγ as in Figure 6. The data presented are representative of 3 independent experiments.

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