Figure 5
Figure 5. Cul4A deletion and protein loss in vivo leads to Cdt1 and p27 protein accumulation in bone marrow. Mutant mice and controls were induced with pIpC, and 48 hours later LDMNCs were harvested from femurs. Total cellular protein was analyzed by immunoblot. GAPDH was a loading control. Representative results are shown for at least 3 independent experiments.

Cul4A deletion and protein loss in vivo leads to Cdt1 and p27 protein accumulation in bone marrow. Mutant mice and controls were induced with pIpC, and 48 hours later LDMNCs were harvested from femurs. Total cellular protein was analyzed by immunoblot. GAPDH was a loading control. Representative results are shown for at least 3 independent experiments.

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