Figure 5
Figure 5. Maintenance of specific antiviral and antibacterial immunity. (A) Persistence of CMV-specific T cells one day after selective depletion in a CMV-seropositive, HLA-A2–positive responder selectively depleted against a CMV-seropositive, HLA-A1–positive stimulator (Exp VIII). An HLA-A2/WT126 tetramer was used as a negative control. Tetramer staining was repeated 4 days after depletion and provided comparable results. (B) Preservation of proliferative responses against Staphylococcus aureus exotoxin B (SEB) determined by 3H-thymidine incorporation 4 to 7 days after stimulation in a representative experiment (Exp VIII) of 2 performed. Resp indicates unmanipulated responder PBMCs; UC, untreated control (primary coculture); and PD/5.0TH and PD/7.5TH, photodepleted product using 5.0 μM and 7.5 μM TH9402, respectively.

Maintenance of specific antiviral and antibacterial immunity. (A) Persistence of CMV-specific T cells one day after selective depletion in a CMV-seropositive, HLA-A2–positive responder selectively depleted against a CMV-seropositive, HLA-A1–positive stimulator (Exp VIII). An HLA-A2/WT126 tetramer was used as a negative control. Tetramer staining was repeated 4 days after depletion and provided comparable results. (B) Preservation of proliferative responses against Staphylococcus aureus exotoxin B (SEB) determined by 3H-thymidine incorporation 4 to 7 days after stimulation in a representative experiment (Exp VIII) of 2 performed. Resp indicates unmanipulated responder PBMCs; UC, untreated control (primary coculture); and PD/5.0TH and PD/7.5TH, photodepleted product using 5.0 μM and 7.5 μM TH9402, respectively.

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