Figure 1
t(10;11)(q23;p15) results in a NUP98/HHEX fusion gene. (A) The G-banded karyotype is 45, X,−Y, t(10;11)(q23;p15)[15]/46, XY[5]. The arrows indicate the reciprocal chromosome translocations. (B) RACE-PCR and genomic characterization: NUP98 and HHEX are fused in-frame, joining nucleotide 1718 (exon 13) of NUP98 to nucleotide 426 (exon 2) of HHEX. Genomic breakpoint occurs inside the intron 13 in NUP98 gene and inside the exon 2 in HHEX gene joining intron 13 of NUP98 to exon 2 of HHEX (nucleotide 418). (C) Double-color double-fusion FISH assay. RP5-1173K1 (red) and RP11-469M1 (green) give a red signal on normal 11, a green signal on normal 10, and a red/green signal on both der(11) and der(10) (arrows).

t(10;11)(q23;p15) results in a NUP98/HHEX fusion gene. (A) The G-banded karyotype is 45, X,−Y, t(10;11)(q23;p15)[15]/46, XY[5]. The arrows indicate the reciprocal chromosome translocations. (B) RACE-PCR and genomic characterization: NUP98 and HHEX are fused in-frame, joining nucleotide 1718 (exon 13) of NUP98 to nucleotide 426 (exon 2) of HHEX. Genomic breakpoint occurs inside the intron 13 in NUP98 gene and inside the exon 2 in HHEX gene joining intron 13 of NUP98 to exon 2 of HHEX (nucleotide 418). (C) Double-color double-fusion FISH assay. RP5-1173K1 (red) and RP11-469M1 (green) give a red signal on normal 11, a green signal on normal 10, and a red/green signal on both der(11) and der(10) (arrows).

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