Figure 5
Figure 5. Polyclonal repopulation with transduced hematopoietic cells. Peripheral blood samples were analyzed by LAM-PCR revealing polyclonal repopulation of all 3 monkeys. An ethidium bromide–stained acrylamide gel of LAM-PCR products is shown; L, 50 bp standard. In lanes labeled M, DNA samples were digested with the restriction enzyme MspI, and in lanes labeled T, DNA samples were digested with Tsp509I restriction enzymes that have compatible sticky ends. The day after transplantation on which the PB samples were collected is listed below (d153 is day 153 after transplantation). The vertical line indicates a repositioned gel lane.

Polyclonal repopulation with transduced hematopoietic cells. Peripheral blood samples were analyzed by LAM-PCR revealing polyclonal repopulation of all 3 monkeys. An ethidium bromide–stained acrylamide gel of LAM-PCR products is shown; L, 50 bp standard. In lanes labeled M, DNA samples were digested with the restriction enzyme MspI, and in lanes labeled T, DNA samples were digested with Tsp509I restriction enzymes that have compatible sticky ends. The day after transplantation on which the PB samples were collected is listed below (d153 is day 153 after transplantation). The vertical line indicates a repositioned gel lane.

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