Figure 2
Figure 2. Donor T cells up-regulate host IDO expression and worsen GVHD in IDO−/− vs wt recipients. (A) Wt or IDO−/− mice were lethally irradiated and infused with 3 × 106 CD4+ and CD8+ T cells and killed on day 7. Cryosections of colon (left) and small intestine (right) were stained by immunohistochemistry for IDO. (i,v) Wild-type BM only. (ii,vi) Wild-type GVHD. (iii,vii) IDO−/− BM only. (iv,viii) IDO−/− GVHD. (B) Hematoxylin and eosin staining of wt and IDO−/− colons (i-iv) and spleens (v-viii) 27 days after transplantation with 3 × 106 CD4+ and CD8+ Balb/c T cells. (i,v) Wild-type BM only. (ii,vi) Wild-type GVHD. (iii,vii) IDO−/− BM only. (iv,viii) IDO−/− GVHD. (C) IHC staining of tissues in B for CD4. Cell numbers in colon are quantitated below (*P < .002). (D) IHC staining of tissues in B for CD8. Cell numbers in colon are shown below (*P < .02). Original magnification ×200, except spleens, which were ×100. Images are representative of 3 to 5 mice per group.

Donor T cells up-regulate host IDO expression and worsen GVHD in IDO−/− vs wt recipients. (A) Wt or IDO−/− mice were lethally irradiated and infused with 3 × 106 CD4+ and CD8+ T cells and killed on day 7. Cryosections of colon (left) and small intestine (right) were stained by immunohistochemistry for IDO. (i,v) Wild-type BM only. (ii,vi) Wild-type GVHD. (iii,vii) IDO−/− BM only. (iv,viii) IDO−/− GVHD. (B) Hematoxylin and eosin staining of wt and IDO−/− colons (i-iv) and spleens (v-viii) 27 days after transplantation with 3 × 106 CD4+ and CD8+ Balb/c T cells. (i,v) Wild-type BM only. (ii,vi) Wild-type GVHD. (iii,vii) IDO−/− BM only. (iv,viii) IDO−/− GVHD. (C) IHC staining of tissues in B for CD4. Cell numbers in colon are quantitated below (*P < .002). (D) IHC staining of tissues in B for CD8. Cell numbers in colon are shown below (*P < .02). Original magnification ×200, except spleens, which were ×100. Images are representative of 3 to 5 mice per group.

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