Figure 1
Figure 1. Representative bivariate dot plots illustrating the gating strategy used for the inmunophenotypic identification of each B-cell subpopulation identified and the analysis of their cell-cycle distribution. The strategy used for the identification of B-cell subsets is shown for normal bone marrow (BM; panels A-D), peripheral blood (PB; panels E,F) and reactive lymph node (LN; panels G-I) samples (left columns), together with the strategy used for the analysis of their cell-cycle distribution according to their DNA cell contents (DRAQ5 fluorescence area: panels J-R in the right column). In these dot plots for each B-cell population represented by the corresponding colored label, G0/G1 cells are depicted as grey events while, whenever present (panels J-M and P-R) S+G2/M cells are displayed as black dots.

Representative bivariate dot plots illustrating the gating strategy used for the inmunophenotypic identification of each B-cell subpopulation identified and the analysis of their cell-cycle distribution. The strategy used for the identification of B-cell subsets is shown for normal bone marrow (BM; panels A-D), peripheral blood (PB; panels E,F) and reactive lymph node (LN; panels G-I) samples (left columns), together with the strategy used for the analysis of their cell-cycle distribution according to their DNA cell contents (DRAQ5 fluorescence area: panels J-R in the right column). In these dot plots for each B-cell population represented by the corresponding colored label, G0/G1 cells are depicted as grey events while, whenever present (panels J-M and P-R) S+G2/M cells are displayed as black dots.

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