Figure 3
Figure 3. Genotype-dependent expression of Bcl-2 protein in B cells from CLL patients. (A) Western-blot analysis of B cells from patients with genotype BCL2−938AA showed increased expression of Bcl-2 protein (28 kDa) compared with those from patients with BCL2−938AC and BCL2−938CC genotypes. Actin (43 kDa) was used as a standard to allow for normalization to differential protein loading. (B) Quantitative analysis of protein expression shown in panel A. Densitometry was performed using Scion Image statistical analysis, as described in “Western-blot analysis.” Statistical analysis was performed using the linear ANOVA test. Horizontal bars represent the mean value of the three values of each genotype.

Genotype-dependent expression of Bcl-2 protein in B cells from CLL patients. (A) Western-blot analysis of B cells from patients with genotype BCL2−938AA showed increased expression of Bcl-2 protein (28 kDa) compared with those from patients with BCL2−938AC and BCL2−938CC genotypes. Actin (43 kDa) was used as a standard to allow for normalization to differential protein loading. (B) Quantitative analysis of protein expression shown in panel A. Densitometry was performed using Scion Image statistical analysis, as described in “Western-blot analysis.” Statistical analysis was performed using the linear ANOVA test. Horizontal bars represent the mean value of the three values of each genotype.

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