Figure 3
Figure 3. WHIM mutation of CXCR4 skews distribution of transduced human PBSCs after transplantation in NOD/SCID mice. Flow cytometry analysis was performed to measure GFP expression by the human CD45+ gated population from paired samples of bone marrow and peripheral blood from each mouse that received xenografts in each transplantation group. (A) After harvest from mice PB, cells were stained with anti–human CD45–APC or isotype antibody. Shown is a representative analysis from 1 mouse in each group where the numeric averages for the groups are provided in the text. There is no difference in the percentages of human CD45+ cells in all groups. (B) Average ± standard deviation (error bars) for GFP expression by engrafted human cells for each group for BM (⊡) or PB (□). Note that only with the mutated CXCR4 was the value for PB significantly lower than that for BM (P < .01). (C) Ratio of the value for PB/BM for each individual mouse in the group so that the actual raw data over the group can be assessed. The line shows the average for the group and is the same value as that of each □ divided by ⊡ in panel B. The lowest ratio was observed in the mutated CXCR4 group (n = 10 for GFP-only and wt CXCR4 groups, and n = 11 for mutated-CXCR4 group; *P < .01 for the comparisons shown in panel C).

WHIM mutation of CXCR4 skews distribution of transduced human PBSCs after transplantation in NOD/SCID mice. Flow cytometry analysis was performed to measure GFP expression by the human CD45+ gated population from paired samples of bone marrow and peripheral blood from each mouse that received xenografts in each transplantation group. (A) After harvest from mice PB, cells were stained with anti–human CD45–APC or isotype antibody. Shown is a representative analysis from 1 mouse in each group where the numeric averages for the groups are provided in the text. There is no difference in the percentages of human CD45+ cells in all groups. (B) Average ± standard deviation (error bars) for GFP expression by engrafted human cells for each group for BM (⊡) or PB (□). Note that only with the mutated CXCR4 was the value for PB significantly lower than that for BM (P < .01). (C) Ratio of the value for PB/BM for each individual mouse in the group so that the actual raw data over the group can be assessed. The line shows the average for the group and is the same value as that of each □ divided by ⊡ in panel B. The lowest ratio was observed in the mutated CXCR4 group (n = 10 for GFP-only and wt CXCR4 groups, and n = 11 for mutated-CXCR4 group; *P < .01 for the comparisons shown in panel C).

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