Figure 5
Figure 5. Defects in T cells and granulocytes are cell autonomous. (A) Top panels show contribution of donor FL cells (Ly5.2+) and competitor BM (Ly5.1+) to peripheral blood 4 months after transplantation. The contribution of FL donor cells (R1 gate) to granulocytes (Gr-1+ and Mac-1+), B (B220+) and T (Thy1.2+) lymphocytes, and CD4+ and CD8+ T cells is shown in panels below. The R2 and R3 gates surround Gr-1hiMac-1lo and Gr-1hiMac-1hi populations, respectively. Cells in the R4 gate are FL-derived Thy1.2+ T cells, which are absent in mice reconstituted with Cbfbrss/−; cells. Equivalent contribution to B220+ B cells is seen with all 3 Cbfb genotypes. n+/+ = 9, nrss/rss = 9, and nrss/− = 11; shown are representative recipients. (B) Relative contribution of Cbfb+/+, Cbfbrss/rss, and Cbfbrss/−; FL cells versus BM competitor cells to the KSL population in the BM of recipient mice, analyzed 12 months after transplantation. A mixture of Ly5.1+ and Ly5.2+ BM is shown as a control. Cells in gated regions (R1, R2) are analyzed in the plots below. Note the overwhelming contribution of FL cells (Ly5.2+) from all 3 Cbfb genotypes to the KSL population. (C) Percentage of c-Kit+Sca-1+Lin− (KSL) donor-derived progenitors in bone marrow of mice that received a transplant of Cbfb+/+, Cbfbrss/rss, or Cbfbrss/−; FL cells. (D) Contribution of FL donor and BM competitor cells to Gr-1+Mac-1+ BM cells. (E) Contribution of Cbfb+/+, Cbfbrss/rss, and Cbfbrss/−; FL cells to CD4+CD8+ cells in the thymus of transplant recipients. Note that although the KSL and Gr-1+Mac-1+ populations in mice reconstituted with Cbfbrss/−; FL cells are predominantly donor derived (B,D), CD4+CD8+ cells are derived almost entirely from the competitor BM.

Defects in T cells and granulocytes are cell autonomous. (A) Top panels show contribution of donor FL cells (Ly5.2+) and competitor BM (Ly5.1+) to peripheral blood 4 months after transplantation. The contribution of FL donor cells (R1 gate) to granulocytes (Gr-1+ and Mac-1+), B (B220+) and T (Thy1.2+) lymphocytes, and CD4+ and CD8+ T cells is shown in panels below. The R2 and R3 gates surround Gr-1hiMac-1lo and Gr-1hiMac-1hi populations, respectively. Cells in the R4 gate are FL-derived Thy1.2+ T cells, which are absent in mice reconstituted with Cbfbrss/−; cells. Equivalent contribution to B220+ B cells is seen with all 3 Cbfb genotypes. n+/+ = 9, nrss/rss = 9, and nrss/− = 11; shown are representative recipients. (B) Relative contribution of Cbfb+/+, Cbfbrss/rss, and Cbfbrss/−; FL cells versus BM competitor cells to the KSL population in the BM of recipient mice, analyzed 12 months after transplantation. A mixture of Ly5.1+ and Ly5.2+ BM is shown as a control. Cells in gated regions (R1, R2) are analyzed in the plots below. Note the overwhelming contribution of FL cells (Ly5.2+) from all 3 Cbfb genotypes to the KSL population. (C) Percentage of c-Kit+Sca-1+Lin (KSL) donor-derived progenitors in bone marrow of mice that received a transplant of Cbfb+/+, Cbfbrss/rss, or Cbfbrss/−; FL cells. (D) Contribution of FL donor and BM competitor cells to Gr-1+Mac-1+ BM cells. (E) Contribution of Cbfb+/+, Cbfbrss/rss, and Cbfbrss/−; FL cells to CD4+CD8+ cells in the thymus of transplant recipients. Note that although the KSL and Gr-1+Mac-1+ populations in mice reconstituted with Cbfbrss/−; FL cells are predominantly donor derived (B,D), CD4+CD8+ cells are derived almost entirely from the competitor BM.

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