Figure 4
Figure 4. Nucleolin mediates the antitumor and antiangiogenic activities of endostatin. (A,B) Xenograft Hela carcinoma growth assay was performed as described in “Tumor growth assay, Hela xengraph mode.” Resected tumors were photographed (A), weighed (B, n = 5), sectioned, and applied to immunohistochemistry. Scale unit represents centimeters. (C) The blood vessels on tumor sections were stained with anti-CD31, and the numbers were counted (n = 5). (D) The tumors, which were treated with ES (2 mg/kg) along with the anti-NL antibody (2 mg/kg) and ES (2 mg/kg) along with nonimmune IgG (2 mg/kg), were applied to further immunohistochemical analysis. ES (red) and the rabbit IgG (the anti-NL or nonimmune IgG, green) were detected with murine anti-His-tag antibody followed by TRITC-conjugated goat anti-mouse IgG and FITC-conjugated goat anti-rabbit IgG, respectively. DAPI (blue) indicates cells in the field. Arrows indicate the blood vessels in the field. Scale bar represents 20 μm. (E,F) Orthotopic Lewis lung carcinoma growth assay was performed in parallel with that of xenograft Hela carcinoma. Resected LLC tumor along with lung were photographed (E), and weighed (F, n = 5). Arrows indicate the tumors. Scale unit represents centimeters. Error bars are SD.

Nucleolin mediates the antitumor and antiangiogenic activities of endostatin. (A,B) Xenograft Hela carcinoma growth assay was performed as described in “Tumor growth assay, Hela xengraph mode.” Resected tumors were photographed (A), weighed (B, n = 5), sectioned, and applied to immunohistochemistry. Scale unit represents centimeters. (C) The blood vessels on tumor sections were stained with anti-CD31, and the numbers were counted (n = 5). (D) The tumors, which were treated with ES (2 mg/kg) along with the anti-NL antibody (2 mg/kg) and ES (2 mg/kg) along with nonimmune IgG (2 mg/kg), were applied to further immunohistochemical analysis. ES (red) and the rabbit IgG (the anti-NL or nonimmune IgG, green) were detected with murine anti-His-tag antibody followed by TRITC-conjugated goat anti-mouse IgG and FITC-conjugated goat anti-rabbit IgG, respectively. DAPI (blue) indicates cells in the field. Arrows indicate the blood vessels in the field. Scale bar represents 20 μm. (E,F) Orthotopic Lewis lung carcinoma growth assay was performed in parallel with that of xenograft Hela carcinoma. Resected LLC tumor along with lung were photographed (E), and weighed (F, n = 5). Arrows indicate the tumors. Scale unit represents centimeters. Error bars are SD.

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