Figure 4
Figure 4. DEX-induced histone H4 K5 acetylation in human CD4+ and CD8+ T cells. Representative images of acetylated histone H4 K5 in CD4+ and CD8+ cells in response to 6 hours of 10−7 M DEX treatment in vitro are shown (original magnification × 630; blue, DAPI, nuclear staining; red, cy3, acetylated histone H4 K5; green, APC, surface staining with (A) anti-CD4 or (C) anti-CD8 APC antibodies). The MFI of cy3 staining (acetylated histone H4 K5) in CD4+ (B) and CD8+ (D) cells was assessed by analysis software within the computer-generated masks for the cell nuclei. Cells (50–100) were analyzed for each donor studied (n = 8). See “Materials and methods, GCRα nuclear translocation” for more detailed image acquisition information.

DEX-induced histone H4 K5 acetylation in human CD4+ and CD8+ T cells. Representative images of acetylated histone H4 K5 in CD4+ and CD8+ cells in response to 6 hours of 10−7 M DEX treatment in vitro are shown (original magnification × 630; blue, DAPI, nuclear staining; red, cy3, acetylated histone H4 K5; green, APC, surface staining with (A) anti-CD4 or (C) anti-CD8 APC antibodies). The MFI of cy3 staining (acetylated histone H4 K5) in CD4+ (B) and CD8+ (D) cells was assessed by analysis software within the computer-generated masks for the cell nuclei. Cells (50–100) were analyzed for each donor studied (n = 8). See “Materials and methods, GCRα nuclear translocation” for more detailed image acquisition information.

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