Figure 6
Figure 6. IFNγ differentially controls IPS and GVHD of the GI tract by direct signaling through nonhematopoietic host tissue. (A) Mixed chimeric mice were generated by transplanting wt or IFNγR−/− bone marrow into irradiated (1000 rad) wt or IFNγR−/− recipients as described in “Materials and methods.” After 3 months, these chimeric mice were phenotyped using CD45.1/CD45.2 disparity to ensure APCs (F4/80+ macrophages, CD19+ B cells, and CD11c+ DCs) had fully reconstituted as donor within lung tissue. The mixed chimeric B6 mice were then used as recipients (conditioned with 950 rad total body irradiation and given transplants of G-CSF–mobilized Balb/c donor splenocytes). In some cases, TCD splenocytes were transplanted as non-GVHD controls. (B) Representative lung (top) or GI tract (bottom) in the recipient chimeras (100 ×). (C) Semiquantitative histologic analysis of transplant chimera recipients as described in “Materials and methods.” Data represent mean plus or minus SE of individual animals combined from 2 replicate experiments. n = 6-15 in T-cell–replete groups and n = 4-7 in TCD groups. ***P < .001, wt → wt and IFNγR−/− → wt versus wt → IFNγR−/− and IFNγR−/− → IFNγR−/− as shown. ND indicates no pathology detected.

IFNγ differentially controls IPS and GVHD of the GI tract by direct signaling through nonhematopoietic host tissue. (A) Mixed chimeric mice were generated by transplanting wt or IFNγR−/− bone marrow into irradiated (1000 rad) wt or IFNγR−/− recipients as described in “Materials and methods.” After 3 months, these chimeric mice were phenotyped using CD45.1/CD45.2 disparity to ensure APCs (F4/80+ macrophages, CD19+ B cells, and CD11c+ DCs) had fully reconstituted as donor within lung tissue. The mixed chimeric B6 mice were then used as recipients (conditioned with 950 rad total body irradiation and given transplants of G-CSF–mobilized Balb/c donor splenocytes). In some cases, TCD splenocytes were transplanted as non-GVHD controls. (B) Representative lung (top) or GI tract (bottom) in the recipient chimeras (100 ×). (C) Semiquantitative histologic analysis of transplant chimera recipients as described in “Materials and methods.” Data represent mean plus or minus SE of individual animals combined from 2 replicate experiments. n = 6-15 in T-cell–replete groups and n = 4-7 in TCD groups. ***P < .001, wt → wt and IFNγR−/− → wt versus wt → IFNγR−/− and IFNγR−/− → IFNγR−/− as shown. ND indicates no pathology detected.

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