Figure 6
PI3K is activated in Vα14iNKT cells that interact with αGalCer-loaded DCs. Localization of PIP3 to the NKT cell membrane. TCRβ+NK1.1+HSAlow NKT cells were purified from thymocytes of 8-week-old AktPH-GFPtg/tg mice (WT for Pten) expressing the PIP3-binding AktPH-GFP bioprobe I (left). These Vα14iNKT cells were incubated with αGalCer-loaded DCs, and PIP3 localization was determined by confocal fluorescence (left) and phase contrast (right) microscopy. (A) Vα14iNKT cells that made contact with αGalCer-loaded DCs showed membrane localization of PIP3 (solid arrow), while PIP3 remained in the cytoplasm of Vα14iNKT cells that did not make contact with DCs (dotted arrows). (B) AktPH-GFP bioprobe localization to the plasma membrane of Vα14iNKT cells was inhibited by wortmannin or by contact with DCs lacking αGalCer.

PI3K is activated in Vα14iNKT cells that interact with αGalCer-loaded DCs. Localization of PIP3 to the NKT cell membrane. TCRβ+NK1.1+HSAlow NKT cells were purified from thymocytes of 8-week-old AktPH-GFPtg/tg mice (WT for Pten) expressing the PIP3-binding AktPH-GFP bioprobe I (left). These Vα14iNKT cells were incubated with αGalCer-loaded DCs, and PIP3 localization was determined by confocal fluorescence (left) and phase contrast (right) microscopy. (A) Vα14iNKT cells that made contact with αGalCer-loaded DCs showed membrane localization of PIP3 (solid arrow), while PIP3 remained in the cytoplasm of Vα14iNKT cells that did not make contact with DCs (dotted arrows). (B) AktPH-GFP bioprobe localization to the plasma membrane of Vα14iNKT cells was inhibited by wortmannin or by contact with DCs lacking αGalCer.

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