Figure 3
Figure 3. Expression of novel transmembrane proteins in platelets. (A-B) G6b and G6f were detected in platelets. N-glycosidase (lanes marked N), but not O-glycosidase (lanes marked O) treatment of a platelet lysate shows that both G6b and G6f are N-glycosylated platelet proteins. The first lane in each blot is a molecular weight marker (MagicMark; Invitrogen; sizes in kDa). (C-E) Detection of SUCNR1, LRRC32, and LAT2 in platelets by Western blot. (F) Flow cytometric detection of novel proteins in platelets. Dotted line shows fluorescence detection of a matched preimmune serum (or in the case of LAT2, murine IgG1), and solid line shows the fluorescence using antisera/antibodies against the cognate antigen.

Expression of novel transmembrane proteins in platelets. (A-B) G6b and G6f were detected in platelets. N-glycosidase (lanes marked N), but not O-glycosidase (lanes marked O) treatment of a platelet lysate shows that both G6b and G6f are N-glycosylated platelet proteins. The first lane in each blot is a molecular weight marker (MagicMark; Invitrogen; sizes in kDa). (C-E) Detection of SUCNR1, LRRC32, and LAT2 in platelets by Western blot. (F) Flow cytometric detection of novel proteins in platelets. Dotted line shows fluorescence detection of a matched preimmune serum (or in the case of LAT2, murine IgG1), and solid line shows the fluorescence using antisera/antibodies against the cognate antigen.

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