Figure 1
Figure 1. Maml genes are differentially expressed in hematopoietic and lymphoid progenitor subsets. Quantitative RT-PCR was performed on cDNA isolated from multipotent BM progenitors, thymocyte subsets, BM B lineage progenitors, and splenic B-cell subsets from C57BL/6 mice fractioned by flow cytometry. Maml1-Maml3 transcript levels were normalized using Hprt expression. The Maml1/Hprt ratio in LSK progenitors was normalized to 1. The measurements were performed in triplicates. Results are shown as means plus or minus SD. (A) Relative expression of Maml1-Maml3 in multipotent BM progenitors (LSK subset) and thymocyte subsets. LSK indicates Lin−Sca-1+c-kit+; ETP, early T lineage progenitors (Lin−c-Kit+CD25−); DN2, CD4−CD8− double-negative 2 (Lin−c-Kit+CD25+); DN3, double-negative 3 (Lin−c-Kit+CD25−); and DP, CD4+CD8+ double-positive thymocytes. (B) Maml expression in BM B-cell progenitor subsets. CLP indicates common lymphoid progenitors (Lin−Sca-1loc-kitloIL-7Rα+Flt3+); ProB, pro-B cells (B220+CD43+AA4.1+CD19+sIgM−); PreB, pre-B cells (B220+CD43−AA4.1+sIgM−); and ImmB, immature B cells (B220+CD43−AA4.1+sIgM+). (C) Maml expression in splenic B-cell subsets. Tr1-Tr3 indicates successive stages of immature transitional B cells (Tr1, B220+AA4.1+sIgMhiCD23−; Tr2, B220+AA4.1+sIgMhiCD23+; Tr3, B220+AA4.1+sIgMintCD23+); FoB, follicular B cells (most abundant mature B-cell type in the spleen; B220+AA4−sIgMintCD23+); MZP B cells, marginal zone B cell precursors (B220+AA4.1−sIgMhiCD21hiCD23+); MZB, marginal zone B cells (B220+AA4.1−sIgMhiCD21hiCD23lo).

Maml genes are differentially expressed in hematopoietic and lymphoid progenitor subsets. Quantitative RT-PCR was performed on cDNA isolated from multipotent BM progenitors, thymocyte subsets, BM B lineage progenitors, and splenic B-cell subsets from C57BL/6 mice fractioned by flow cytometry. Maml1-Maml3 transcript levels were normalized using Hprt expression. The Maml1/Hprt ratio in LSK progenitors was normalized to 1. The measurements were performed in triplicates. Results are shown as means plus or minus SD. (A) Relative expression of Maml1-Maml3 in multipotent BM progenitors (LSK subset) and thymocyte subsets. LSK indicates LinSca-1+c-kit+; ETP, early T lineage progenitors (Linc-Kit+CD25); DN2, CD4CD8 double-negative 2 (Linc-Kit+CD25+); DN3, double-negative 3 (Linc-Kit+CD25); and DP, CD4+CD8+ double-positive thymocytes. (B) Maml expression in BM B-cell progenitor subsets. CLP indicates common lymphoid progenitors (LinSca-1loc-kitloIL-7Rα+Flt3+); ProB, pro-B cells (B220+CD43+AA4.1+CD19+sIgM); PreB, pre-B cells (B220+CD43AA4.1+sIgM); and ImmB, immature B cells (B220+CD43AA4.1+sIgM+). (C) Maml expression in splenic B-cell subsets. Tr1-Tr3 indicates successive stages of immature transitional B cells (Tr1, B220+AA4.1+sIgMhiCD23; Tr2, B220+AA4.1+sIgMhiCD23+; Tr3, B220+AA4.1+sIgMintCD23+); FoB, follicular B cells (most abundant mature B-cell type in the spleen; B220+AA4sIgMintCD23+); MZP B cells, marginal zone B cell precursors (B220+AA4.1sIgMhiCD21hiCD23+); MZB, marginal zone B cells (B220+AA4.1sIgMhiCD21hiCD23lo).

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