Figure 1
Hematologic and molecular response to AZT and IFN-α in ATLL patients. (A, left) WBC counts were plotted over time for 2 ATLL patients with leukemia after induction and during antiviral treatment. (B, right) Analysis of T-cell clones is demonstrated by combined multiplex PCR at the specified dates for these 2 patients using two sets of reaction primers, including those specific to the V1-8, V9, and consensus J1 and J2 regions of βchain TCR genes (peaks to the right) or alternative J1 and J2 regions (peaks to the left).

Hematologic and molecular response to AZT and IFN-α in ATLL patients. (A, left) WBC counts were plotted over time for 2 ATLL patients with leukemia after induction and during antiviral treatment. (B, right) Analysis of T-cell clones is demonstrated by combined multiplex PCR at the specified dates for these 2 patients using two sets of reaction primers, including those specific to the V1-8, V9, and consensus J1 and J2 regions of βchain TCR genes (peaks to the right) or alternative J1 and J2 regions (peaks to the left).

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