Figure 5
Figure 5. AML cells convert CD4+CD25− into CD4+CD25+ T cells through an IDO-dependent mechanism. (A) Flow cytometry analysis of CD4+CD25+ and CD4+CD25− T cells before and after culture with allogeneic IDO-expressing AML cells in the presence and absence of 1-MT (1000 μM). Results are representative of 7 independent experiments. *P = .03, experimental versus control sample. (B) Annexin-V staining and flow-cytometry analysis of CD4+CD25+ and CD4+CD25− cells after culture with IDO+ AML cells. Cells were analyzed at different time points. Results are representative of 3 independent experiments. (C) Purity of CD4+CD25− cells. Results are representative of 4 independent experiments. (D) Purified CD4+CD25− T cells were incubated for 7 days with normal MNCs (CTR) or AML cells in the presence and absence of 1-MT. At the end of culture, CD4+ cells were gated and analyzed for the presence of converted CD4+CD25+ cells. Results are the mean ± SD of 4 independent experiments. (E) Purified CD4+CD25− T cells were resuspended in the conditioned medium collected from IDO− and IDO+ AML cells and stimulated with IDO− AML cells for 7 days. At the end of culture, CD4+ cells were gated and analyzed for the presence of converted CD4+CD25+ cells. Results are representative of 3 independent experiments.

AML cells convert CD4+CD25 into CD4+CD25+ T cells through an IDO-dependent mechanism. (A) Flow cytometry analysis of CD4+CD25+ and CD4+CD25 T cells before and after culture with allogeneic IDO-expressing AML cells in the presence and absence of 1-MT (1000 μM). Results are representative of 7 independent experiments. *P = .03, experimental versus control sample. (B) Annexin-V staining and flow-cytometry analysis of CD4+CD25+ and CD4+CD25 cells after culture with IDO+ AML cells. Cells were analyzed at different time points. Results are representative of 3 independent experiments. (C) Purity of CD4+CD25 cells. Results are representative of 4 independent experiments. (D) Purified CD4+CD25 T cells were incubated for 7 days with normal MNCs (CTR) or AML cells in the presence and absence of 1-MT. At the end of culture, CD4+ cells were gated and analyzed for the presence of converted CD4+CD25+ cells. Results are the mean ± SD of 4 independent experiments. (E) Purified CD4+CD25 T cells were resuspended in the conditioned medium collected from IDO and IDO+ AML cells and stimulated with IDO AML cells for 7 days. At the end of culture, CD4+ cells were gated and analyzed for the presence of converted CD4+CD25+ cells. Results are representative of 3 independent experiments.

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