Figure 4
Figure 4. The presence of an early form of the CD8+ cDC lineage within the CD4−8− cDC preparations, and its capacity to produce IFN-γ. (A) CD4−8− cDCs, sorted from NK-marker–depleted cDC preparations as in Figure 1 and analyzed as in Figure 3A, were segregated into CD172a+ (Sirpα+), typical CD4−8− cDCs and into a minor subset of CD172a− (Sirpα−) cells, which when analyzed were less developed (by surface MHC II expression) and which had the CD172a− CD24+ phenotype of the typical CD4−8+ cDCs. Gray lines represent background fluorescence from samples with only the relevant stain omitted; black lines represent the fluorescence of the positively stained sample. (B) IFN-γ production (in ng/mL) was measured in the supernatant 65 hours after culture with IL-12 and IL-18 of 105 cells (in 0.2 mL) of the fractions from panel A. Results are the means plus or minus SD of 4 cultures from the one experiment, typical of 3.

The presence of an early form of the CD8+ cDC lineage within the CD48 cDC preparations, and its capacity to produce IFN-γ. (A) CD48 cDCs, sorted from NK-marker–depleted cDC preparations as in Figure 1 and analyzed as in Figure 3A, were segregated into CD172a+ (Sirpα+), typical CD48 cDCs and into a minor subset of CD172a (Sirpα) cells, which when analyzed were less developed (by surface MHC II expression) and which had the CD172a CD24+ phenotype of the typical CD48+ cDCs. Gray lines represent background fluorescence from samples with only the relevant stain omitted; black lines represent the fluorescence of the positively stained sample. (B) IFN-γ production (in ng/mL) was measured in the supernatant 65 hours after culture with IL-12 and IL-18 of 105 cells (in 0.2 mL) of the fractions from panel A. Results are the means plus or minus SD of 4 cultures from the one experiment, typical of 3.

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