Figure 2
Figure 2. Probabilities of survival from first relapse: an analysis of prognostic factors. (A) Sex. (B) Age at diagnosis. (C) Time from diagnosis to relapse. (D) Site of relapse. (E) Therapy in CR1. Numbers at risk are shown beneath the graph. Sib Allograft indicates allogeneic HSCT from fully matched sibling donor; MUD allograft, allogeneic HSCT from matched unrelated donor.

Probabilities of survival from first relapse: an analysis of prognostic factors. (A) Sex. (B) Age at diagnosis. (C) Time from diagnosis to relapse. (D) Site of relapse. (E) Therapy in CR1. Numbers at risk are shown beneath the graph. Sib Allograft indicates allogeneic HSCT from fully matched sibling donor; MUD allograft, allogeneic HSCT from matched unrelated donor.

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