Figure 2.
Figure 2. FCS spectroscopy demonstrates confinement of GFP-tagged FasL in microdomains. Diffusion behaviors of FL-PC (⋄), FL-GM1 (♦), and GFP-hFasL (▪) in COS-7 cells were measured by FCS. t0 was determined from the position at which diffusion curves intersect the time-axis (diffusion time). All FCS measurements were performed at 37°C. Error bars indicate the SD of 3 independent experiments.

FCS spectroscopy demonstrates confinement of GFP-tagged FasL in microdomains. Diffusion behaviors of FL-PC (⋄), FL-GM1 (♦), and GFP-hFasL (▪) in COS-7 cells were measured by FCS. t0 was determined from the position at which diffusion curves intersect the time-axis (diffusion time). All FCS measurements were performed at 37°C. Error bars indicate the SD of 3 independent experiments.

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