Figure 4.
Figure 4. Sox6–/– erythroid populations show impaired expansion and maturation in vitro. (A) CD71/TER119 and c-kit/CD71 FACS profiles of magnetically sorted TER119– liver cells from E14.5 control and Sox6–/– littermates. (B) CFU-E assay using control and Sox6–/– TER119– sorted cells. Data are presented as average with standard deviation of quadruplicates in a representative experiment. (C) Mature BFU-E assay in the same experiment as in panel B. (D) CD71/TER119 FACS profiles of control and Sox6–/– erythroid cells cultured on fibronectin with 2 U/mL Epo for 0, 12, and 48 hours. (E) Forward scatter (FSC)/TO FACS profiles of TER119+ cells from similar cultures as in panel D. (F) Graph combining cell counts and data from CD71/TER119 and FSC/TO FACS analysis for similar cultures as in panels E and F, maintained for 0 to 72 hours. Erythroid precursors/nonerythroid cells (Er prec/non-Er) are CD71–/TER119–; proerythroblasts (proEB) are CD71+/TER119–; early erythroblasts (EB) are TER119+and FSChigh and/or TOhigh; late erythroblasts/reticulocytes (retic) are TER119+/FSClow/TOlow.

Sox6–/– erythroid populations show impaired expansion and maturation in vitro. (A) CD71/TER119 and c-kit/CD71 FACS profiles of magnetically sorted TER119 liver cells from E14.5 control and Sox6–/– littermates. (B) CFU-E assay using control and Sox6–/– TER119 sorted cells. Data are presented as average with standard deviation of quadruplicates in a representative experiment. (C) Mature BFU-E assay in the same experiment as in panel B. (D) CD71/TER119 FACS profiles of control and Sox6–/– erythroid cells cultured on fibronectin with 2 U/mL Epo for 0, 12, and 48 hours. (E) Forward scatter (FSC)/TO FACS profiles of TER119+ cells from similar cultures as in panel D. (F) Graph combining cell counts and data from CD71/TER119 and FSC/TO FACS analysis for similar cultures as in panels E and F, maintained for 0 to 72 hours. Erythroid precursors/nonerythroid cells (Er prec/non-Er) are CD71/TER119; proerythroblasts (proEB) are CD71+/TER119; early erythroblasts (EB) are TER119+and FSChigh and/or TOhigh; late erythroblasts/reticulocytes (retic) are TER119+/FSClow/TOlow.

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