Figure 3.
Figure 3. Difference in the reticulocyte counts before and after treatment in children with acute malarial anemia. The mean absolute reticulocyte counts (× 109/L) on admission and one week after treatment in children with severe anemia (Hb, < 50 g/L [5 g/dL]), moderate anemia (Hb, 50-69 g/L [5-6.9 g/dL]), mild anemia (Hb, 70-100 g/L [7-10 g/dL]), and no anemia (Hb, > 100 g/L [10 g/dL]). The bars show the mean values; error bars, 95% CI.

Difference in the reticulocyte counts before and after treatment in children with acute malarial anemia. The mean absolute reticulocyte counts (× 109/L) on admission and one week after treatment in children with severe anemia (Hb, < 50 g/L [5 g/dL]), moderate anemia (Hb, 50-69 g/L [5-6.9 g/dL]), mild anemia (Hb, 70-100 g/L [7-10 g/dL]), and no anemia (Hb, > 100 g/L [10 g/dL]). The bars show the mean values; error bars, 95% CI.

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