Figure 2.
Figure 2. EBPs/CLPs fail to generate PDCs on adoptive transfer. (A) Five hundred sorted EBPs/CLPs (Lin–IL-7Rα+AA4+Sca-1lowc-kitlowFlt3/Flk2+) or LSK-Flt3+ (Lin–IL-7Rα–Sca-1+c-kithigh Flt3/Flk2+) progenitors from C57BL/6 (Ly5B6+) mice were transferred intravenously together with 105 unfractionated host-type BM cells into irradiated B6.Ly5SJL congenics. Host splenocytes were assessed for frequencies of donor-derived (Ly5B6+Ly5SJL–) B-lineage (CD19+B220+) and PDC-lineage (IgM–CD3–CD11c+B220+CD11b–) cells. Shown are analyses of recipients at day 14 after transfer. (B) Five hundred sorted cells from each population were also transferred via intrathymic injection into B6.Ly5SJL congenics, and host thymi assessed for donor-derived thymocytes 14 days later. (C) Absolute number of donor-derived splenocytes of the indicated surface phenotype at the indicated time points in mice given 500 EBPs/CLP versus LSK-Flt3+ progenitors as described. Data are the mean and SEM using 3 mice per group. Data are representative of 3 separate experiments.

EBPs/CLPs fail to generate PDCs on adoptive transfer. (A) Five hundred sorted EBPs/CLPs (LinIL-7Rα+AA4+Sca-1lowc-kitlowFlt3/Flk2+) or LSK-Flt3+ (LinIL-7RαSca-1+c-kithigh Flt3/Flk2+) progenitors from C57BL/6 (Ly5B6+) mice were transferred intravenously together with 105 unfractionated host-type BM cells into irradiated B6.Ly5SJL congenics. Host splenocytes were assessed for frequencies of donor-derived (Ly5B6+Ly5SJL–) B-lineage (CD19+B220+) and PDC-lineage (IgMCD3CD11c+B220+CD11b) cells. Shown are analyses of recipients at day 14 after transfer. (B) Five hundred sorted cells from each population were also transferred via intrathymic injection into B6.Ly5SJL congenics, and host thymi assessed for donor-derived thymocytes 14 days later. (C) Absolute number of donor-derived splenocytes of the indicated surface phenotype at the indicated time points in mice given 500 EBPs/CLP versus LSK-Flt3+ progenitors as described. Data are the mean and SEM using 3 mice per group. Data are representative of 3 separate experiments.

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