Figure 1.
Figure 1. Outline of data analysis. (A) On the forward scatter (FSC) versus SSC display, cells in R1 were gated. (B) Gated cells in panel A were plotted on the CD45 versus CD34 display to gate CD34+ cells (R2). (C) Gated CD34+ cells were plotted on the CD45 versus SSC display (green dots) to identify stage I hematogones (CD34+CD10+CD19+ B-cell precursors [arrowhead]) and CD34+ myeloblasts (R3). Gray dots indicate other cells. The percentage of stage I hematogones in all CD34+ cells and the percentage of CD34+ myeloblasts in all nucleated cells was then determined. (D) Expression of various antigens on CD34+ myeloblasts gated in panel C was quantified by RMFI (MFI of each antigen staining divided by MFI of isotype-matched negative control staining).

Outline of data analysis. (A) On the forward scatter (FSC) versus SSC display, cells in R1 were gated. (B) Gated cells in panel A were plotted on the CD45 versus CD34 display to gate CD34+ cells (R2). (C) Gated CD34+ cells were plotted on the CD45 versus SSC display (green dots) to identify stage I hematogones (CD34+CD10+CD19+ B-cell precursors [arrowhead]) and CD34+ myeloblasts (R3). Gray dots indicate other cells. The percentage of stage I hematogones in all CD34+ cells and the percentage of CD34+ myeloblasts in all nucleated cells was then determined. (D) Expression of various antigens on CD34+ myeloblasts gated in panel C was quantified by RMFI (MFI of each antigen staining divided by MFI of isotype-matched negative control staining).

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