Figure 5.
Figure 5. Schematic of metabolic pathways and structural red cell proteins regulated by EKLF. EKLF coordinates expression of genes that encode proteins that link the membrane and cytoskeleton, heme synthesis, energy production through glycolysis (pyruvate kinase), β-globin, and AHSP. Genes in italics are probable EKLF target genes. Genes in normal font are provided for context. See text for abbreviations.

Schematic of metabolic pathways and structural red cell proteins regulated by EKLF. EKLF coordinates expression of genes that encode proteins that link the membrane and cytoskeleton, heme synthesis, energy production through glycolysis (pyruvate kinase), β-globin, and AHSP. Genes in italics are probable EKLF target genes. Genes in normal font are provided for context. See text for abbreviations.

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