Figure 2.
Figure 2. Generation of WT1-transgenic mice. (A) Schematic model of the injected fragment used for generating WT1-transgenic mice. P1 and P2 represent the primers used for real-time RT-PCR. Three independent founders gave rise to lines 06, 13, and 14. (B) WT1 expression levels in the whole BM cells from the WT1-transgenic mice and wild-type littermates were measured by real-time RT-PCR. The mean values ± SD of duplicate measurements from 3 mice are shown. **P < .005; ***P < .001. (C) Western blotting analysis of WT1 expression in the BM cells from the WT1-Tg and wild-type mice to confirm WT1 transgene expression. (D) WT1 expression levels in subpopulations of hematopoietic cells from the WT1-Tg and wild-type mice were measured by real-time RT-PCR. Relative WT1 expression level was defined as (copy number of the WT1 transcripts divided by that of β-actin transcripts) × 108. The mean values ± SD of duplicate measurements from 3 mice are shown.

Generation of WT1-transgenic mice. (A) Schematic model of the injected fragment used for generating WT1-transgenic mice. P1 and P2 represent the primers used for real-time RT-PCR. Three independent founders gave rise to lines 06, 13, and 14. (B) WT1 expression levels in the whole BM cells from the WT1-transgenic mice and wild-type littermates were measured by real-time RT-PCR. The mean values ± SD of duplicate measurements from 3 mice are shown. **P < .005; ***P < .001. (C) Western blotting analysis of WT1 expression in the BM cells from the WT1-Tg and wild-type mice to confirm WT1 transgene expression. (D) WT1 expression levels in subpopulations of hematopoietic cells from the WT1-Tg and wild-type mice were measured by real-time RT-PCR. Relative WT1 expression level was defined as (copy number of the WT1 transcripts divided by that of β-actin transcripts) × 108. The mean values ± SD of duplicate measurements from 3 mice are shown.

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