Figure 4.
Figure 4. Analysis of plasma VWF multimers. (A) VWF multimer patterns. Plasma samples (1 μL/lane) from Adamts13+/+, Adamts13+/–, and Adamts13–/– mice were electrophoresed on SDS-agarose gels and transferred to nitrocellulose membranes. VWF multimers were detected with anti-VWF antibodies. Normal human plasma (NHP) and ADAMTS13-deficient TTP patient plasma (TTP) were analyzed in parallel (0.2 μL/lane). (B) Relative intensities of plasma VWF multimers. The chemiluminescent intensities of the VWF multimer patterns (A) were scanned using image analysis software. HMW indicates high molecular weight; LMW, low molecular weight.

Analysis of plasma VWF multimers. (A) VWF multimer patterns. Plasma samples (1 μL/lane) from Adamts13+/+, Adamts13+/–, and Adamts13–/– mice were electrophoresed on SDS-agarose gels and transferred to nitrocellulose membranes. VWF multimers were detected with anti-VWF antibodies. Normal human plasma (NHP) and ADAMTS13-deficient TTP patient plasma (TTP) were analyzed in parallel (0.2 μL/lane). (B) Relative intensities of plasma VWF multimers. The chemiluminescent intensities of the VWF multimer patterns (A) were scanned using image analysis software. HMW indicates high molecular weight; LMW, low molecular weight.

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