Figure 3.
Figure 3. ADAMTS13 activity in plasma. (A) Qualitative assay using a recombinant substrate, GST-mVWF73-H. The substrate and product bands are indicated by arrows and arrowheads, respectively. (B) Quantitative assay using a fluorogenic substrate, FRETS-VWF73. Data are mean ± SD from 4 mice for each genotype. The average activity measured in wild-type mice was defined as 100%.

ADAMTS13 activity in plasma. (A) Qualitative assay using a recombinant substrate, GST-mVWF73-H. The substrate and product bands are indicated by arrows and arrowheads, respectively. (B) Quantitative assay using a fluorogenic substrate, FRETS-VWF73. Data are mean ± SD from 4 mice for each genotype. The average activity measured in wild-type mice was defined as 100%.

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