Fig. 4.
Fig. 4. Embryonic lethality in. / Sca-1−/−;Wv/Wvcompound homozygotes. (A) The ratio of wild-type,Wv/+, andWv/Wv pups fromWv/+ heterozygous intercrosses. A total of 178 pups were genotyped from 4 breeding pairs. HomozygousWv/Wv pups were born at a slightly lower-than-expected, but not statistically significant, Mendelian ratio for a nonlethal mutation (P > .1). (B) The ratio of Sca-1−/−, Wv/+;Sca-1−/−, andWv/Wv;Sca-1−/−pups from Wv/+;Sca-1−/−heterozygous intercrosses. A total of 288 pups were genotyped from 9 breeding pairs. Compound homozygousWv/Wv;Sca-1−/−pups were observed at an 84% reduction compared withWv/Wv pups fromWv/+ heterozygous intercrosses, demonstrating that mostSca-1−/−;Wv/Wvcompound homozygotes die in utero (P < .0001).

Embryonic lethality in

Sca-1−/−;Wv/Wvcompound homozygotes. (A) The ratio of wild-type,Wv/+, andWv/Wv pups fromWv/+ heterozygous intercrosses. A total of 178 pups were genotyped from 4 breeding pairs. HomozygousWv/Wv pups were born at a slightly lower-than-expected, but not statistically significant, Mendelian ratio for a nonlethal mutation (P > .1). (B) The ratio of Sca-1−/−, Wv/+;Sca-1−/−, andWv/Wv;Sca-1−/−pups from Wv/+;Sca-1−/−heterozygous intercrosses. A total of 288 pups were genotyped from 9 breeding pairs. Compound homozygousWv/Wv;Sca-1−/−pups were observed at an 84% reduction compared withWv/Wv pups fromWv/+ heterozygous intercrosses, demonstrating that mostSca-1−/−;Wv/Wvcompound homozygotes die in utero (P < .0001).

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