Fig. 6.
Detection of ALXR message and protein in neutrophils taken from FPR KO mice.

Detection of ALXR message and protein in neutrophils taken from FPR KO mice.

(A) PCR analysis of murine genomic DNA showing the presence of the FPR (top panel) and ALXR (bottom panel) genes in wild-type animals, with only the ALXR gene retained in FPR KO animals. The band at about 2 kb represents the FPR gene disrupted with a 1-kb neomycin cassette (FPR/Neo). bp indicates base pair. (B) RT-PCR analysis of 2 distinct samples of peritoneal neutrophils taken from FPR KO mice. Arrowhead indicates the correct PCR product for mouse ALXR (1056 bp). As expected, no bands were produced for mouse FPR. (C) Western blotting analysis of mouse peritoneal cells showing mouse ALXR (70 kDa) or α-tubulin (55 kDa) protein expression in 2 distinct cell lysates.

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