Fig. 6.
Fig. 6. Gradient slopes,. / ρe/ρc versusL/Rp, from FIMD analysis (Figure 4C) of both normal and Rhnull cells. Slopes of FIMD analysis are indicative of cytoskeletal attachment. Results for CD47 and RhAG suggest a cytoskeletal attachment similar to one another and intermediate to glycophorin C and the lipid bilayer. CD47 retains this attachment in the absence of the Rh proteins in Rhnullcells. The connectivity, f*, of CD47 and RhAG can be determined from these FIMD slopes (Table 1).

Gradient slopes,

ρec versusL/Rp, from FIMD analysis (Figure 4C) of both normal and Rhnull cells. Slopes of FIMD analysis are indicative of cytoskeletal attachment. Results for CD47 and RhAG suggest a cytoskeletal attachment similar to one another and intermediate to glycophorin C and the lipid bilayer. CD47 retains this attachment in the absence of the Rh proteins in Rhnullcells. The connectivity, f*, of CD47 and RhAG can be determined from these FIMD slopes (Table 1).

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