Fig. 4.
Fig. 4. Early lymphohematopoietic progenitors in CB and adult BM differ with respect to expansion and differentiation potential. / CD34+Lin−CD10−CD7−, CD34+Lin−CD10−CD7+, and CD34+Lin−CD10+CD7−cells were sorted from CB or adult BM and cultured with MS-5 stromal cells (1 × 104 cells/flask in each fraction). Yields of CD19+ B–, CD56+ NK–, and CD13+/CD33+ myeloid–lineage cells in 3-week cultures are shown (A). The B-, NK-, and myeloid-lineage compositions were also determined weekly in cultures initiated with fractions sorted from CB (B) or adult BM (C). Similar results were obtained in 2 independent side-by-side comparisons between CB and adult BM.

Early lymphohematopoietic progenitors in CB and adult BM differ with respect to expansion and differentiation potential.

CD34+LinCD10CD7, CD34+LinCD10CD7+, and CD34+LinCD10+CD7cells were sorted from CB or adult BM and cultured with MS-5 stromal cells (1 × 104 cells/flask in each fraction). Yields of CD19+ B–, CD56+ NK–, and CD13+/CD33+ myeloid–lineage cells in 3-week cultures are shown (A). The B-, NK-, and myeloid-lineage compositions were also determined weekly in cultures initiated with fractions sorted from CB (B) or adult BM (C). Similar results were obtained in 2 independent side-by-side comparisons between CB and adult BM.

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