Fig. 1.
Fig. 1. Relative frequencies and mitotic activity of B-lineage precursors in BM do not change during adult life. / (A) The incidences of pro B cells (CD34+CD10+CD19+), pre-B cells (CD19+sIgM−cμ+), immature B (IgM+CD24hiCD10+IgD−), naive B (IgM+CD24hiIgD+CD38+/−), and mature B (IgM+CD24loIgD+CD38−) cells were determined by flow cytometry and shown as percentages of total viable CD19+ lymphocytes (%) ± SDs. (B) Expression of the Ki-67 nuclear proliferation antigen was determined by flow cytometry, using low-angle light scatter to resolve large and small lymphocytes. The data represent average percentages of pro-B cells (CD34+CD19+) and pre-B cells (CD19+sIgM−cμ+) ± SDs. Differences between groups were not statistically significant (P > .05).

Relative frequencies and mitotic activity of B-lineage precursors in BM do not change during adult life.

(A) The incidences of pro B cells (CD34+CD10+CD19+), pre-B cells (CD19+sIgM+), immature B (IgM+CD24hiCD10+IgD), naive B (IgM+CD24hiIgD+CD38+/−), and mature B (IgM+CD24loIgD+CD38) cells were determined by flow cytometry and shown as percentages of total viable CD19+ lymphocytes (%) ± SDs. (B) Expression of the Ki-67 nuclear proliferation antigen was determined by flow cytometry, using low-angle light scatter to resolve large and small lymphocytes. The data represent average percentages of pro-B cells (CD34+CD19+) and pre-B cells (CD19+sIgM+) ± SDs. Differences between groups were not statistically significant (P > .05).

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