Fig. 2.
Fig. 2. SAHA induces growth arrest and apoptosis in MM.1S cells. / (A) Quantification of proliferation of MM.1S cells using the BrdU incorporation assay, according to the instructions of the manufacturer. (B-F) PI analysis of MM.1S cells that were treated with SAHA (5 μM) in 10% FCS for 24 (C), 48 (D), 72 (E), or 96 (F) hours or controls untreated (B) for 96 hours. The percentage of cells in the sub-G1 region (horizontal bars) indicates significant SAHA-induced cell death. (G) Survival of MM patient cells (average ± SD), quantified by MTT colorimetric assay, after treatment with (■) or without (▪) SAHA (5 μM) for 48 hours. Error bars represent SD.

SAHA induces growth arrest and apoptosis in MM.1S cells.

(A) Quantification of proliferation of MM.1S cells using the BrdU incorporation assay, according to the instructions of the manufacturer. (B-F) PI analysis of MM.1S cells that were treated with SAHA (5 μM) in 10% FCS for 24 (C), 48 (D), 72 (E), or 96 (F) hours or controls untreated (B) for 96 hours. The percentage of cells in the sub-G1 region (horizontal bars) indicates significant SAHA-induced cell death. (G) Survival of MM patient cells (average ± SD), quantified by MTT colorimetric assay, after treatment with (■) or without (▪) SAHA (5 μM) for 48 hours. Error bars represent SD.

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