Fig. 2.
Fig. 2. Thymic expression of KGF. / (A) RT-PCR analysis of cDNA prepared from replicate samples of whole thymi or unfractionated thymocytes from young adult mice. Samples were normalized for HPRT. (B) In situ hybridization signal for KGF message preferentially localizes in the thymic medullary compartment in young adult thymus. Note the increasing intensity of signal moving from subcapsular to medullary areas. Asterisk indicates lighter region of labeling in the outer cortex/subcapsular region. Inset: In situ hybridization of thymocyte cytospot preparation. Representative of 3 independent experiments. Magnification × 40; inset × 95. (C) Thymocyte-conditioned medium contains immunoreactive KGF. Serum-free conditioned medium or recombinant FGFs were separated on a polyacrylamide gel, transferred to nitrocellulose membrane, and probed with a polyclonal anti–human KGF antibody. Marks at right indicate relative mobility of molecular weight standards (from top: 29, 24, 20, and 14.2 kDa). Representative of 4 independent experiments. (D) RT-PCR analysis of FGF10 expression by whole thymus and unfractionated thymocytes. Samples were normalized for expression of HPRT. Representative of 2 experiments

Thymic expression of KGF.

(A) RT-PCR analysis of cDNA prepared from replicate samples of whole thymi or unfractionated thymocytes from young adult mice. Samples were normalized for HPRT. (B) In situ hybridization signal for KGF message preferentially localizes in the thymic medullary compartment in young adult thymus. Note the increasing intensity of signal moving from subcapsular to medullary areas. Asterisk indicates lighter region of labeling in the outer cortex/subcapsular region. Inset: In situ hybridization of thymocyte cytospot preparation. Representative of 3 independent experiments. Magnification × 40; inset × 95. (C) Thymocyte-conditioned medium contains immunoreactive KGF. Serum-free conditioned medium or recombinant FGFs were separated on a polyacrylamide gel, transferred to nitrocellulose membrane, and probed with a polyclonal anti–human KGF antibody. Marks at right indicate relative mobility of molecular weight standards (from top: 29, 24, 20, and 14.2 kDa). Representative of 4 independent experiments. (D) RT-PCR analysis of FGF10 expression by whole thymus and unfractionated thymocytes. Samples were normalized for expression of HPRT. Representative of 2 experiments

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