Fig. 9.
Fig. 9. Overexpression of cIAP2 mRNA in CNL neutrophils. / The expression of cIAP1 and cIAP2 mRNA in HL-60 cells, normal neutrophils (Neut), monocytes (Mono), lymphocytes (Lym), and CML and CNL neutrophils was analyzed by real-time PCR. As an internal control, 18S rRNA was used. The ratios of cIAP1 to 18S rRNA and cIAP2 to 18S rRNA were calculated for each cell type, and the data are expressed as the values relative to those of HL-60 cells for proper comparison. The experiments were performed on samples from individual donors, and the number of donors (n) is indicated. In this experiment, 15 healthy donors were used for the analysis of normal neutrophils.

Overexpression of cIAP2 mRNA in CNL neutrophils.

The expression of cIAP1 and cIAP2 mRNA in HL-60 cells, normal neutrophils (Neut), monocytes (Mono), lymphocytes (Lym), and CML and CNL neutrophils was analyzed by real-time PCR. As an internal control, 18S rRNA was used. The ratios of cIAP1 to 18S rRNA and cIAP2 to 18S rRNA were calculated for each cell type, and the data are expressed as the values relative to those of HL-60 cells for proper comparison. The experiments were performed on samples from individual donors, and the number of donors (n) is indicated. In this experiment, 15 healthy donors were used for the analysis of normal neutrophils.

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