Fig. 7.
Fig. 7. Immunofluorescence of CD4+ and CD8+ T-cell subsets in thymus and spleen of CD45-null, C57BL/6, and transgenic mice. / The source of thymocytes and splenocytes is given above each plot. The staining antibodies (CD4 and CD8) are on the horizontal and vertical axes, respectively. The percentage of CD4 and CD8 single-positive cells are given in the corresponding quadrant and represent the average of 3 thymuses and 5 spleens.

Immunofluorescence of CD4+ and CD8+ T-cell subsets in thymus and spleen of CD45-null, C57BL/6, and transgenic mice.

The source of thymocytes and splenocytes is given above each plot. The staining antibodies (CD4 and CD8) are on the horizontal and vertical axes, respectively. The percentage of CD4 and CD8 single-positive cells are given in the corresponding quadrant and represent the average of 3 thymuses and 5 spleens.

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