Fig. 5.
Fig. 5. Coexpression of hGM (M) Rα and hβc in FDCP-mix cells. / (A) Cell surface expression. Cells transfected with hGM (M) Rα in combination with hβc cells were analyzed for expression of the extracellular domains of the hGM Rα and hβc by flow cytometry. Cells were sequentially incubated with (i) anti-hGM Rα antibody or (ii) anti-hβc antibody and FITC-conjugated antimouse secondary antibody. The solid gray histogram represents the cell autofluorescence obtained in the absence of antibody staining. Representative histograms are shown for labeling obtained in the presence of secondary antibody only (gray) and in the presence of both primary and secondary antibody (black). (B) Effects on cell survival. Cells coexpressing hGM (M) Rα, hβc (░) were cultured in the presence of hGM-CSF (0-100 ng/mL) for 48 hours prior to assessment of cell viability based on trypan blue exclusion. The data obtained for the chimeric hGM/βc, hβc (▪) are shown for comparison. Results are expressed as a percentage of the rmIL-3 (10 ng/mL) response and are mean values ± SEM of 3 experiments. (C) Long-term proliferation. Cells coexpressing either hGM/βc, hβc (●) or hGM (M) Rα, hβc (▴) were cultured for 60 days in the presence of hGM-CSF (1 ng/mL). The growth rate was determined from the initial and subsequent cultures of cells seeded at 1 × 105/mL and resuspended in fresh media when the cell number was more than 5 × 105/mL. The results are expressed as log viable cell number/mL. The growth rates of hGM/βc, hβc() and hGM (M) Rα, hβc() cells in response to rmIL-3 (10 ng/mL) are also shown. Results are mean ± SEM of 3 experiments.

Coexpression of hGM (M) Rα and hβc in FDCP-mix cells.

(A) Cell surface expression. Cells transfected with hGM (M) Rα in combination with hβc cells were analyzed for expression of the extracellular domains of the hGM Rα and hβc by flow cytometry. Cells were sequentially incubated with (i) anti-hGM Rα antibody or (ii) anti-hβc antibody and FITC-conjugated antimouse secondary antibody. The solid gray histogram represents the cell autofluorescence obtained in the absence of antibody staining. Representative histograms are shown for labeling obtained in the presence of secondary antibody only (gray) and in the presence of both primary and secondary antibody (black). (B) Effects on cell survival. Cells coexpressing hGM (M) Rα, hβc (░) were cultured in the presence of hGM-CSF (0-100 ng/mL) for 48 hours prior to assessment of cell viability based on trypan blue exclusion. The data obtained for the chimeric hGM/βc, hβc (▪) are shown for comparison. Results are expressed as a percentage of the rmIL-3 (10 ng/mL) response and are mean values ± SEM of 3 experiments. (C) Long-term proliferation. Cells coexpressing either hGM/βc, hβc (●) or hGM (M) Rα, hβc (▴) were cultured for 60 days in the presence of hGM-CSF (1 ng/mL). The growth rate was determined from the initial and subsequent cultures of cells seeded at 1 × 105/mL and resuspended in fresh media when the cell number was more than 5 × 105/mL. The results are expressed as log viable cell number/mL. The growth rates of hGM/βc, hβc() and hGM (M) Rα, hβc() cells in response to rmIL-3 (10 ng/mL) are also shown. Results are mean ± SEM of 3 experiments.

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