Fig. 1.
Fig. 1. KIR genotyping of hematopoietic cell donors and recipients. / Donor/recipient pairs are organized according to donor type andKIR genotype: KIR-identical MRD pairs (A),KIR-disparate MRD pairs (B), and KIR-disparate MUD pairs (C). All MRD and MUD pairs are HLA identical, except patient/donor SPN 2067 (marked with *), who was disparate for one HLA-C allele. Clear boxes indicate the presence of HLA-B and C KIR epitopes and KIR genes, whereas dark gray hatched boxes indicate the absence of KIR epitopes and genes. Allelic subtypes, shown for those pairs having matching combinations ofKIR genes, are indicated by clear boxes with text. In heterozygous individuals, allele names are separated with a slash. Alleles not discriminated in subtyping are listed together, for example, as KIR2LD3*002or6; KIR3DL1*002 refers here to a set of similar alleles which includes KIR3DL1*002,*003, and *006-8.

KIR genotyping of hematopoietic cell donors and recipients.

Donor/recipient pairs are organized according to donor type andKIR genotype: KIR-identical MRD pairs (A),KIR-disparate MRD pairs (B), and KIR-disparate MUD pairs (C). All MRD and MUD pairs are HLA identical, except patient/donor SPN 2067 (marked with *), who was disparate for one HLA-C allele. Clear boxes indicate the presence of HLA-B and C KIR epitopes and KIR genes, whereas dark gray hatched boxes indicate the absence of KIR epitopes and genes. Allelic subtypes, shown for those pairs having matching combinations ofKIR genes, are indicated by clear boxes with text. In heterozygous individuals, allele names are separated with a slash. Alleles not discriminated in subtyping are listed together, for example, as KIR2LD3*002or6; KIR3DL1*002 refers here to a set of similar alleles which includes KIR3DL1*002,*003, and *006-8.

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