Fig. 7.
Fig. 7. Reduction of established lung tumor burden by T-scFv-anti-erbB2-CD28-ζ cells. / (A) Whole lung weight from groups of 10 scid mice, 18 days after intravenous injection of erbB2+ MDA-MB-435 breast carcinoma cells (5 × 106). Mice were injected intravenously with a single dose (107) of either BALB/c WT T-pLXSN cells or T-scFv-anti-erbB2-CD28-ζ cells on day 10 after tumor inoculation. Normal whole lung weight (g) (no tumor, normal lung, n = 2) or control (not receiving T-cell transfer) whole lung weight from tumor-inoculated mice at day 10 (n = 2) or day 18 (n = 10) were also recorded. Significant differences in lung weight were determined by Mann-Whitney test and denoted (*P < .01, **P < .001). (B-F) Histology of lung sections (original magnification × 100) by hematoxylin and eosin staining as follows: (B) untreated mice (normal lung); (C) control MDA-MB-435 tumor growth at day 10 (no T-cell transfer); (D) control MDA-MB-435 tumor growth at day 18 (no T-cell transfer); (E) day 18 with T-pLXSN cell transfer; and (F) day 18 with T-scFv-anti-erbB2-CD28-ζ cell transfer.

Reduction of established lung tumor burden by T-scFv-anti-erbB2-CD28-ζ cells.

(A) Whole lung weight from groups of 10 scid mice, 18 days after intravenous injection of erbB2+ MDA-MB-435 breast carcinoma cells (5 × 106). Mice were injected intravenously with a single dose (107) of either BALB/c WT T-pLXSN cells or T-scFv-anti-erbB2-CD28-ζ cells on day 10 after tumor inoculation. Normal whole lung weight (g) (no tumor, normal lung, n = 2) or control (not receiving T-cell transfer) whole lung weight from tumor-inoculated mice at day 10 (n = 2) or day 18 (n = 10) were also recorded. Significant differences in lung weight were determined by Mann-Whitney test and denoted (*P < .01, **P < .001). (B-F) Histology of lung sections (original magnification × 100) by hematoxylin and eosin staining as follows: (B) untreated mice (normal lung); (C) control MDA-MB-435 tumor growth at day 10 (no T-cell transfer); (D) control MDA-MB-435 tumor growth at day 18 (no T-cell transfer); (E) day 18 with T-pLXSN cell transfer; and (F) day 18 with T-scFv-anti-erbB2-CD28-ζ cell transfer.

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