Fig. 6.
Effect of treatment with forskolin or PGE1on platelet adhesion to VWF.

Effect of treatment with forskolin or PGE1on platelet adhesion to VWF.

Washed human platelets (3 × 108/mL) were perfused for 5 minutes at a shear rate of 150 s-1 through microcapillaries coated with 1% HSA (⋄) or 25 μg/mL bovine VWF (▪, ■, ░). The cells were pretreated with 10 μM PGE1 (░), 10 μM forskolin (■), or buffer (▪). Adherent platelets were counted off-line at the indicated times and results are expressed as the mean ± SEM of 2 separate experiments.

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