Fig. 3.
Decreased resistance to detachment of GPIb/V/IX cells containing a GPIbβ(Ser166Gly) mutation.

Decreased resistance to detachment of GPIb/V/IX cells containing a GPIbβ(Ser166Gly) mutation.

K562-GPIb/V/IX (WT; ▪) or K562-GPIb(βSer166Gly)/V/IX (■) cells were perfused for 5 minutes at 75 s-1 over a bovine (BVWF) matrix followed by perfusion of buffer with incremental increases in shear rates up to 6000 s-1. At each shear rate the number of adherent cells was counted and expressed as percent of adherent cells relative to the number of adherent cells found at 75 s-1. Results are expressed as the mean ± SEM of 3 separate experiments.

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