Fig. 5.
Fig. 5. IVIG effects on 7E3-platelet binding as determined by flow cytometry. / 7E3 was incubated with human platelets in the presence or absence of IVIG. The histograms plot platelet count verses relative fluorescence intensity. Panel C shows the fluorescence histogram obtained for control mouse IgG incubated with platelets (median fluorescence intensity [MFI] was 1.3). Panel B shows 7E3 incubated with platelets (MFI = 246), and panel A shows 7E3 incubated with platelets in the presence of IVIG (MFI = 284). No decrease in MFI was observed for 7E3 binding to platelets in the presence of IVIG.

IVIG effects on 7E3-platelet binding as determined by flow cytometry.

7E3 was incubated with human platelets in the presence or absence of IVIG. The histograms plot platelet count verses relative fluorescence intensity. Panel C shows the fluorescence histogram obtained for control mouse IgG incubated with platelets (median fluorescence intensity [MFI] was 1.3). Panel B shows 7E3 incubated with platelets (MFI = 246), and panel A shows 7E3 incubated with platelets in the presence of IVIG (MFI = 284). No decrease in MFI was observed for 7E3 binding to platelets in the presence of IVIG.

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