Fig. 1.
Fig. 1. IVIG effects on the time course of 7E3-induced thrombocytopenia. / Rats received IVIG (or saline) followed by 8 mg/kg 7E3. (A) Individual raw platelet count verses time data for animals given saline (i), 0.4 g/kg IVIG (ii), 1 g/kg IVIG (iii), or 2 g/kg IVIG (iv). (B) Average percent of initial platelet count data. Symbols represent IVIG treatment groups (n = 4 rats/group): saline (●), 0.4 g/kg (▪), 1 g/kg (▴), and 2 g/kg (♦). IVIG and 7E3 were given intravenously, and platelet counts were obtained using a Cell-Dyne 1700 multiparameter hematology analyzer. Error bars represent the SD about the mean. IVIG attenuated the time course of thrombocytopenia in a dose-dependent manner. Treatment differences were statistically significant (P = .031).

IVIG effects on the time course of 7E3-induced thrombocytopenia.

Rats received IVIG (or saline) followed by 8 mg/kg 7E3. (A) Individual raw platelet count verses time data for animals given saline (i), 0.4 g/kg IVIG (ii), 1 g/kg IVIG (iii), or 2 g/kg IVIG (iv). (B) Average percent of initial platelet count data. Symbols represent IVIG treatment groups (n = 4 rats/group): saline (●), 0.4 g/kg (▪), 1 g/kg (▴), and 2 g/kg (♦). IVIG and 7E3 were given intravenously, and platelet counts were obtained using a Cell-Dyne 1700 multiparameter hematology analyzer. Error bars represent the SD about the mean. IVIG attenuated the time course of thrombocytopenia in a dose-dependent manner. Treatment differences were statistically significant (P = .031).

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