Fig. 4.
Fig. 4. SRE-1 is necessary for mediating thrombin stimulation of the Egr-1 promoter in primary endothelial cells. / HUVECs were transiently transfected with a series of point mutants of the Egr-1 promoter coupled to a luciferase reporter gene (pGL2-basic) and exposed to 1.5 U/mL of thrombin for 6 hours. The results show the means and standard deviations of luciferase light units (relative to control untreated cells) obtained in triplicate from 4 independent experiments. Luciferase light units were corrected for transfection efficiency as described in “Materials and methods.” *P < .01, compared with control untreated cells.

SRE-1 is necessary for mediating thrombin stimulation of the Egr-1 promoter in primary endothelial cells.

HUVECs were transiently transfected with a series of point mutants of the Egr-1 promoter coupled to a luciferase reporter gene (pGL2-basic) and exposed to 1.5 U/mL of thrombin for 6 hours. The results show the means and standard deviations of luciferase light units (relative to control untreated cells) obtained in triplicate from 4 independent experiments. Luciferase light units were corrected for transfection efficiency as described in “Materials and methods.” *P < .01, compared with control untreated cells.

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